You know that phrase, “nothing ventured, nothing gained”? How do you feel about it? Do you think of it as a mantra to jump into life and give it a go, or do you think of it as an excuse for why you behaved recklessly?
The New Year is traditionally a time when many people take stock of their lives and decide that there are things they want to change. Despite all the hype by the middle of January all those good intentions have fallen by the wayside.
How satisfied you are with your current life?
The culture of any organization has a tremendous impact on the well being of its workforce. Driving people to work overlong hours which leaves no time for a satisfying personal life and the opportunity to recharge the batteries can be cost effective in the short term but in the medium and long term the reality can be very different.
When it comes to high-powered lifestyles, and taking time to relax – there is no better Master to learn from than Leo.
What would you choose as your superhero power if you could have one? Why that particular one? Find out what mine is and why I think we all already have superhero powers!
See the world through the eyes of a kitten and you get the perfect lesson of how to live in the moment.
Modelling excellence is recognised world- wide as one of the best ways to lean. Learning from a Master enables you to take a short cut from novice to expert and Leo is an expert in switching off from the world and relaxing. The parallels between him and those of us with high powered jobs are surprisingly close.
Genuine Chat With Gina, Rachel & You - Micro Management
5 Reasons Publicly Punishing Your Kid Is NEVER ever OK