If you could give your younger self any advice - what would it be? Hindsight is the only exact science. Sadly we have to operate without the luxury of hindsight.
How patient are you?
Patience - we are often told this is a virtue. It can be difficult to achieve particularly when we are dealing with something very personal or important to us.
How often do you get that "gut feeling" telling you that something feels right, or quite the opposite - you sense that things are not as they seem?
Resistance or acceptance - what is the best way forward?
How often have you resisted something and later found that resistance was not only futile but that the very thing you were resisting turned out to be far better than you could ever imagine?
Do you Embrace or Avoid? When it comes to trying something new, to managing change what is your core approach? Do you see the opportunities and give things a try or fight like mad to maintain the status quo?
Do you live your life with passion?
We make a choice, conscious or otherwise to live our lives fully or not. when we do every activity, no matter how seemingly mundane offers each of us a unique opportunity.
Who has had the most positive influence in your life? Who has believed in you even when you found it hard to believe in yourself?
Who is your greatest champion now?
What does friendship mean to you?
Having a great set of friends is an incredible support when you know they have your back.
What makes a great partner in life or business in business?
Why is it that so many partnerships start out so well, but fall apart, sometimes spectacularly?
Life is full of challenges, roadblocks and seeming dead ends. How often do you feel your life is being driven by a faulty SATNAV?
Life's challenges can be tricky but they don't need to define you or to keep you playing small.