Once you change your relationship with you and learn to love and appreciate who you are you can start to create a very different relationship towards life.

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Have you truly made the most of your time? Do you want to use your time more efficiently? Time is limited so learn how to use it wisely here..

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Do you find saying “No” difficult? Do you even feel that you have a real choice when you are asked to do something you really don’t want to do?

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Seeking the perfect relationship with others is often about learning to have the right relationship with ourselves

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I have to do it all, if I don’t it won’t get done properly, I can’t switch off, I can’t relax. Sound familiar? Click here for help with creating boundaries

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Do you even know what actually motivates you? This blog explores the key motivators in life, so you can understand yourself better,

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Being overwhelmed leads to a sense of impotence and procrastination, neither of which are conducive to a sense of wellbeing!

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Partners of workaholics find themselves in a very difficult place. For much of the time they are expected to manage on their own.

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This article offers strategies to help those of you who put your focus too heavily on living in the past or in the future.

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Being the partner of a workaholic can lead to unwanted behaviour that is potentially damaging to the relationship and to Horse-trading to get attention

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