It *is* possible to find happiness even when life is throwing the worst kind of challenges at you - yes, even cancer. I discussed this with Donita from Mama Bear Cancer Support. This is the link to the podcast recording

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Do you feel truly fulfilled? Do you know what it feels like to feel truly fulfilled? Do you look forward to each new day? Does your heart sink at the thought of what tomorrow may bring? Do you love bits of your life? Do you wish the rest of your life matched up with the bits you do like? Do you aspire to having a truly fulfilled life?

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Life without inspiration would be extremely flat and underwhelming. So what is inspiration? What role does it play? Why is it so important? I believe that inspiration is the key which opens us to a life full of greater possibilities.

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Finding lasting love with the “right” person is high on most people’s wish list. Finding your ideal partner is just the first challenge knowing whether they are a “keeper” or one to leave before they do any damage is the second and if that wasn’t difficult enough the third and longest challenge is how to maintain a loving inter-dependent relationship over time and through the many significant challenges of daily living.

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Welcome to our latest Genuine Chat - today's topic is WINDFALLS. Did you hear about the massive £120+million euro lottery win that some lucky person in the UK has just received? Wow! Imagine waking up one day and being suddenly that rich. It would change your life forever. Now I say, "lucky" person, but the statistics on this are interesting - more often than not a massive amount of money landing in your lap suddenly has a rather negative effect in the long term. Which is interesting isnt it - because we're all guilty of wishing we could "just win the lottery" in the belief that it would "solve all our problems". So it seems that WINDFALLS are not always the fantastically great thing that they may first appear to be. Lets talk about why that might be the case...

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Life has changed remarkably since World War 2. Until then marriage was seen as a contract far more binding than it is now. The reality was that once they were married, most women had few opportunities to be independent and to fulfill their needs and dreams outside the home. Society had a very clear view of what was acceptable, and this was generally based on what worked well for the children and the husband.

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Do you feel as if you play second fiddle to their work? Is it left to you to make excuses to the children, to family and friends because they are late or too busy to attend? Do you send the evenings on your own – even when they are in the house? Is your partner too busy or too tired to pay you the attention you need and deserve? Is your life being affected because of the demands of your partner’s work? Do you feel your own sense of self and your confidence are being eroded because they pay more attention to their work? Are you feeling lonely and left out even though you are in a relationship?

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The theme for today is SACRIFICE. We have the 75th D-Day Anniversary in mind when we decided to talk upon this subject. A point in time when many made the ultimate sacrifice in order to ensure the continuation of something that they thought important. We wanted to explore what this means, why such sacrifices are celebrated or revered and debate if sacrificing one's own life, dreams, opinion is always a good thing to do...

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Today's subject is "integrity" - Let's talk about what this means to us, let's talk about how to recognise when you're being true or untrue to it and why that can be a powerful signpost to leading a happier, successful and fulfilling life.

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There appears to be a huge mismatch between the romantic fairy story of “Happy Ever After” and the reality for many married couples who find the reality of being married to their spouse very different than their ideal.  This puts a huge strain on a couple’s relationship from the outset.  For many couples the problems start to manifest themselves quite quickly after all the razzmatazz of the ceremony is over.  So why do couples say nothing?

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